Kindergarten Readiness

A Parent's Guide to Student Success can be found at

Kindergarten Readiness Checklist from the Ohio Department of Education.

Kindergarten Academic Standards (as stated by the Ohio Department of Education) will open in a new window.

As a parent, how can I support my child's development?

To do well in school, children need to be supported and nurtured in all areas of development.

It is also important that your child is physically, socially and emotionally ready for school. This checklist can help serve as your guide. But please remember, young children change so fast! If they cannot do something this week, you may see them do it a couple of weeks later.

Is your child ready for kindergarten? Ask yourself these questions:

Development Area Tips and Activities to Help Prepare Your Child
Physical Skills:

Does your child…

  • enjoy outdoor play such as running, jumping, and climbing;
  • draw and trace basic shapes;
  • cut with scissors;
  • bounce a ball; or
  • ride a tricycle?

Materials that will help your child develop the motor skills needed to learn to write include crayons, markers, pencils, glue, scissors, paper and paint, puzzles, legos and blocks.

Activities that will help your child’s coordination include climbing, jumping, skipping, playing ball, using playground equipment and riding a tricycle.

Health and Safety Needs:

Has your child…

  • had required shots;
  • had a dental exam;
  • had a vision exam;
  • learned own first and last name;
  • learned first and last name of parent;
  • learned to watch for cars when crossing the street;
  • learned to not talk to strangers;
  • developed a set routine for going to bed;
  • follow rules for safety?

Help your child learn their full name, address and telephone number.
Help your child to look both ways when crossing the street.
Talk with your child about strangers and who to go to for help.
Use bedtime as the opportunity to read to and talk with your child.

Personal Needs:

Without your help, can your child ...

  • use the bathroom;
  • wash hands;
  • brush teeth;
  • use tissue to blow nose;
  • button and zip up shirts and pants;
  • put on and take off coat;
  • tie and/or velcro shoes?

Create morning and bedtime bathing and tooth-brushing routines.
Allow your child to dress themselves.
Practice putting shoes on.
Help your child learn to use their words to tell other grownups when they are feeling sick or hurt.

Social and Emotional Skills:

Does your child…

  • play well with other children;
  • separate from a parent without being upset;
  • share with other children;
  • care about the feelings of others;
  • follow routines;
  • put toys away when asked?

Give your child small chores to learn responsibility.
Help your child learn to follow directions by giving simple steps.
Encourage your child to share.
Praise your child when her or she does something well.
Provide guidance when your child is having difficulty.